Troubled With Computer Related Issues?



Nowdays, in every family there  is   atleast one computer  or   laptop  and  so  every one   faces computer related  problems several times while playing games ,playing movies-music , creating  presentation   etc .  These   problems    can    be sometimes  quite severe and  you need  to    get check of  your computer   by   a   technician but what  do i have to visit a tech every time i face a computer  issue?  NO  absolutely    not  you can solve  the   problems  at   home  itself . Yes  you  heard  it   right  here  are some computer trouble shooting  problems  you  might face while using computer  and some  solutions for this problems.

1.Computer Is Shutting Down

a)Power Supply : For computer,randomly shutting down is related to power supply . You should try checking the power socket if  it's working properly   if not then you  need to  change  the socket soon   to prevent your computer in becoming dead.Sometimes due to bad weather conditions the up-downs in  voltage  may  result  in  shutting  down  of your computer randomly.  Its  advisable  to not  to  use computer during such conditions as it could greatly damage your computer parts.

b) Overheating : Use of computer for longer periods, use of graphics to play games causes excessive heating   making  computer shut  down. It  can   also  be  cause  by  malfunctioning of  fan and debris, dust inside the computer  making  fan unable to throw hot air out resulting in damage of internal computer parts. Try to reduce use of computers to save your computer .

c) Battery (only for Laptops) : In laptop battery failure could lead to shutting down, you might need to check  your battery and may need to  get new one  if it's not  working  properly . Battery problem is generally  caused  by  excessive  charging  or the life of  battery may  be near  to its end.So guys don't do excessive charging as a new battery will cost your pocket around 30$-200$ depending on model.

2.Slow Computer

Generally the culprit is found to be the  unwanted programs which  run  in  background without  your permission . A full hard disk also slows your computer and you can think of getting a more hard drive storage.Also if you can do RAM upgrade it will boost your computer's performance by several folds. 
Also try installing a antivirus in your computer.

3. Frozen Screen 

Rebooting  your  computer  is the only alternative or  you can give  a try by  pressing ctrl+alt+delete button which opens task manager and end process of the program which is not responding.

                                        Right click on the program which is not responding.


You can see it in 1-b (i have written it before so not to make it big , you can see it there).


You may get afraid by the sudden noise but if its low humming or whistling sound its normal. In case of sounds like  knocking , noticeable  humming is made by  hard disk  before its going to get crashed. So it will be wiser to back up your information from your computer and get a new hard disk.

6. Network Problem 

Network  or Internet problem  is due to  cookies you should  clear the cookies  soon as  well as  temp folder which you will find in Local Disk(C) in windows.

If its not one of the above problems then you might need to go to the shop and fix it.


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